Monday, September 12, 2005

We're a Little Bit of Rock-and-Roll

If you are wondering why the two previous posts were well-written and funnier than the usual OTP entries, it’s because Hungary Man was guest writer while I was away on holiday.

He was instructed to maintain the spirit of Off The Post, which meant that he was not allowed to be intellectual or profound. Some would argue that the OTP spirit also means not being funny.

The vacation in Hatteras could be summed up thusly: We could have stayed in the beach house until Sunday; we left open the option of leaving on Saturday if we didn’t think we were having the best time; we were ready to leave the day we got there.

The biggest breasts among all the people staying in the beach house belonged to a 400 pound guy who refused to wear a t-shirt the entire week.

Now, there are elements of the red-neck culture that I appreciate. For instance, all the guys were given these things called Bubba Kegs, which are huge insulated mugs that can hold a little over four bottles of beer. Suh-weet!

The adventurous spirit of the red-necked gentleman of leisure is embodied in the following oft-told joke: What are the last two words a red-neck says just before he dies? “Watch this!”

On the opposite side are the man-boobs and the lovers-lament country songs (like there are other kinds) cranked to high volumes at all times. I don’t like any music cranked to high volumes all the time, let alone the maudlin twangy country crap.

To exacerbate matters, I ate way too much while on vacation. Perhaps I was inspired by the man-boobs. You would have thought I was an evacuee from New Orleans. Hopefully I can work it off before I have to be fitted for a mansierre.


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