Thursday, March 03, 2005

Abstinence and the City

With his head way up his ass, a leading Senate Republican announced yesterday that he wants to extend the indecency rules that govern over-the-air radio and television broadcasts to cable shows like ‘The Sopranos’ and ‘South Park.’

What the fuck?! We already are an embarrassment to the world because of our phony puritanical standards, and now Republicans want to make it even worse.

Can you imagine what a cleaned up ‘Sex and the City’ would be like? Oh wait, you don’t have to because that version already is being aired on TBS. Also, A&E soon will air repeats of ‘The Sopranos.’ Sanitized syndication, if you will; completely unwatchable.

Half the fun of ‘Sex and the City’ was watching what kind of ridiculous sexual predicament that would befall Samantha. Under so-called indecency rules, she would not be able to wax poetic about the best back massager to buy. Instead, there would be staid conversation about how they really work for actual back massages.

That just doesn’t vibrate, I mean resonate, with me.


Blogger SuburbaMom said...

I can't quite imagine a sanitized version of 'The Sopranos.' Does that cut it to a 15 minute show?

6:31 AM  
Blogger Couch said...

i dont even think its possible to sanitze south park. they are only 20 minutes long to begin with. sanitation would leave you with about 15 seconds.

12:20 AM  

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