Monday, December 05, 2005

Two Tickets to the Gun Show

The holiday season is a special time of year with many joyous occasions, whether it's decorating a tree, hanging out with friends, and determining who would participate in a ménage-a-trois with you and your wife.

I can think of four women who MIGHT be game. Getting one of them to do it would involve a nominal fee, so her participation is automatic and fortunately - because of where she lives - legal. If the others aren't the least bit interested, well then many awkward moments lie ahead.

Of course, I talk a good game, but let's face it, if that opportunity ever presented itself, there's probably no way I'm rising up to the occasion because I would be way too busy wigging out. I would need a popsicle stick, some scotch tape and a shoehorn for anything to happen. All the Viagra in the world wouldn’t be able to help prop me up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoooo! As my football coach would say (when he wasn't saying things like "son, you are so bad at moving across the field that I oughtta put a bucket on your head and make you walk backwards"), "this post is making my sweat like a whore in church". Is this what happens when I disappear for a month in an attempt to focus on my day job? Do we just jettison all journalistic standards and descend into the realm of pornography and gay-baiting? I hope you're happy with the fact that this blog is probably at the top of any Google search containing the keywords "menage a trois", "Viagra", "gay", "closeted", and "big breasted Tex Mex restaurant hostess". What happened to the strident left wing rhetoric? It is so 2005 to revert to sex and "HOF Hotties lists" to get readership. All you had to do was stay on track. To paraphrase your had me at "vast right wing conspiracy to deprive us all of our civil liberties". Why must you stray?


Hungary Man

10:50 AM  

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