Thursday, May 12, 2005

It's Headed Right At Us!

The wayward plane that entered restricted air space yesterday in Washington reminded me of that scene in ‘Austin Powers’ when the security guard stays frozen in the path of a very slow-moving steamroller even though it’s 10 yards away. Comically unnecessary, over-the-top drama.

It would have been quite a feat if a single-engine Cessna plane wiped out the Capitol building AND the White House simultaneously. One of the security guards probably could have swatted it out of the way if it was about to crash into the building.

Of course I say this, and the next time I smirk at an alert warning, it will involve a fleet of those large military transport planes piloted by brothers Al and George Qaeda.

One more note about our Caribbean holiday, the resort we stayed at might as well have been located just off of I-95 because we came across many people from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington, DC.

In observing these people, it’s no wonder Americans are not well regarded abroad – the obnoxious behavior, the inappropriate remarks, the tasteless outfits. And that was just me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I find inappropriate, tasteless and obnoxious is your comment that anything in "Austin Powers" would be considered comically unnecessary and over the top. You know as well as I do that there is no such thing as too much pottymouth or sexual innuendo. The "AP" trilogy provides the viewer with a thematically consistent and progressive development of the key character (how does the hairy troglodyte Austin's treatment of Liz Hurley in "I" compare with his sensitive outreach to his father in "III" - "got an issue, here's a tissue", how could you not be emotionally impacted by the strength of that scene?). Why even Fat Bastard faces his demons and comes to grips with his food addictions and insecurities, but not without enjoying the smell of his own emissions now and again ("smells like sick. Smells like ass. Smells like sick ass."). A better combination of tearjerking emotion and skin peeling swingers is not to be found anywhere else in contemporary cinema.

2:18 PM  

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