Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Metro Opens Doors To Experiencing Delays in Both Directions

Metro chief executive Richard White has decided to enter the world of delays, derailments, and destruction (and that's just dealing with the station managers) by riding the transit system of which he is in charge. What a novel idea! You would think that would be basic PR 101 - How could he purport to know what Metro riders experience when he doesn't ride himself? Does this mean that GM President and CEO Richard Wagoner Jr. rides the subway?

White claims that his schedule prohibited him from using Metro, and that he decided to begin riding to reconnect with employees and the riders. That's nice of him to come down from the tower and mingle with the peasants.

Granted, many people probably do not use Metro for similar reasons. My wife and I began driving into work when we started bringing our son into a downtown day care facility. Maneuvering a stroller on Metro during rush hour didn't seem like it would be an ideal situation. Unfortunately, we would have driven anyway because it was cheaper to do so after the most recent fare increase.

However, there also are many people who have no choice but to use Metro, regardless of schedule, children, and fare increases. These are the people on the front-line who White has to reconnect with if he is to improve Metro's image.


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