Monday, December 27, 2004

The Donald Would Fire This Donald

First, came word that he was using computer-generated signatures for letters to families who lost loved ones in the war in Iraq. Then, he gave a patronizing and confusing response to a soldier’s question about the lack of equipment needed for combat.

If it weren’t for bad management skills, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld would have no management skills at all. He’s the new Richard A. White.

Using a computer-generated signature for condolence letters is impersonal and classless, obviously. Besides, if you lost a family member in Iraq, would a letter from Rumsfeld really have that much of an impact. A letter from the Shrub probably would be more meaningful to those families.

One Congressional Republican commented that, if the president can sign his condolence letters personally, so should Rumsfeld, implying that if someone as busy as the president can sign, so can others.

What could be keeping this dumbass president busy? An Etch-a-Sketch could keep the Shrub occupied for hours, so of course he is going to have time to sign letters personally. An image of Gov. William J. Le Petomane in Blazing Saddles comes to mind. “Why don’t you give these out to some of the boys in lieu of pay?”

In an attempt at damage control, Rumsfeld made an unannounced visit to Iraq on Christmas Eve to boost troop morale. I never understood how a visit by the Secretary of Defense is supposed to boost morale. The troops probably all think that he is full of shit, so how is that helpful? I can understand how a visit by the Shrub could help the troops because most of them probably support the dip shit.

If you want to boost troop morale, hire a bunch of hookers or arrange for conjugal visits by spouses or significant others. Granted, this would cause a major uproar, particularly over how such a plan would be implemented among gay soldiers.

So absent that, how about canceling one of the many Halliburton contracts and allocating those funds toward bonuses for the troops? Lord knows they need it with all the bullshit they are forced to deal with over there.


Blogger Couch said...

Congratulations! Your site made our "Blogs of Note" list.

btw. I'm not sure if GW could even figure out an etch-a-sketch. After all, they do have two knobs, and he only knows how to shine one.

8:43 PM  
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